Vol. 1, No. 14 | May 19,
2015 | AAI Foresight
Inside Foresight Signals
> Data Sharing for Smarter Cities
> Emotion Detection and Ad Design
> On the AAI Foresight Blog: Bengston, Mack
> News for the Foresight Community
Data Sharing for Smarter Cities
An organic waste recycling depot on one side of town is close
to overflowing. A biogas plant on the other side of town is running on empty
and needs biomass right away. Today, this is a scenario of two problems.
Tomorrow, a Smart Urban Services project would turn both problems into
A pilot project in Reutlingen, Germany, demonstrates how
sensors and an integrated platform can connect these and other urban infrastructure
facilities, such as traffic management. The data would not just be available to
a central authority, but would be shared by local communities, companies, and
residents, according to Inka Woyke,
head of the Service Management team at Fraunhofer IAO.
This connectivity doesn’t just benefit individual services,
Woyke says. Smart Urban Services will offer municipalities a competitive
advantage for attracting businesses and employees by creating more efficient—and
Partnering with Fraunhofer IAO in the Smart Urban Services
consortium are the Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management IAT at
the University of Stuttgart, Input Consulting GmbH, and the cities of Chemnitz
and Reutlingen.
Source: Fraunhofer
IAO. More information: Smart Urban Services. Image: Tim RT Photography,
via Flickr (Creative Commons).
Signals: data, infrastructure,
smart cities
Emotion Detection and Ad Design
Enrique LeĆ³n Villeda
is an emotion detector. He is also a Mexican computer specialist living in
Spain, who’s developed software that reads your emotions in real time as you
encounter specific products or images.
The algorithm he designed collects sensory data such as
heart rate, which is transmitted to a mobile phone or computer via Bluetooth.
Analysts can compare a shopper’s emotional reactions to different images in
order to produce more positive reactions (i.e., more receptive) to messages and
images designed for stores. The project was developed by Tecnalia, a European center
for applied research and innovation.
Villeda’s previous work with affective computing included a vest
that determined emotional responses to changes in light and temperature. Working
in Ireland, he also analyzed political speeches to discover emotional reactions
to phrases uttered by a candidate.
Source, story and
images: InvestigaciĆ³n
y Desarrollo [in Spanish].
Signals: advertising,
emotions, marketing
Call for papers!
If you are working on a foresight analysis project, AAI Foresight would welcome
the opportunity to publish your work in the Foresight Reports
series. Please contact Cindy Wagner, consulting editor, at CynthiaGWagner@gmail.com.
On the AAI Foresight Blog
> Notes from an environmental
futurist: The journey from science fiction to futurism is a natural one for
many of today’s foresight professionals, observes Dave Bengston. But additional reading in nonfiction—particularly
the environmental warnings found in Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, E.F. Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful, and other works—took him on a unique new path. Read “How
to Become an Environmental Futurist in 50 Years.” Download Bengston’s AAI Foresight Report “A World on Fire”
(co-written with Bob Olson).
> Why savings aren’t saving
China: Many developing nations protect their citizens’ futures via safety
nets such as social security systems. Traditionally lacking such protections, the
Chinese have become such big savers that they are stifling economic growth. Tim Mack describes what the Chinese
government is doing to alter consumers’ paths to the future. Read “China’s Savings Culture inTurmoil.”
News for the Foresight Community

> In the news, CBS: Science correspondent Michael Casey asked technology futurist Gray Scott why he considers himself a techno-optimist. They discussed the prospects of such developments as artificially intelligent assistants in our homes and why we fear the things we make—which are actually reflections of ourselves. Scott is founder of Serious Wonder, a multifaceted technology-arts-philosophy media site. Read “Maybe artificial intelligence won't destroy us after all” by Michael Casey, CBS News (posted May 14, 2015).
> Free webinars: TechCast
Global has launched a webinar series offering insights by expert foresight panels,
led by Bill Halal and Owen Davies. The first session, on
April 30, provided an introduction to forecasting methodologies. The May 7
webinar focused on cybersecurity, AI, and the predictions market. The next
webinar is scheduled for June 18, featuring Millennium Project co-founder and
director Jerome C. Glenn on The Age
of Consciousness: Technology Is Driving the World Beyond Knowledge. Details: TechCast Global.

> The editor has landed:
AAI Foresight consulting editor Cindy
Wagner is sharpening her red pencil. On May 11, she joined the editorial staff
of Scrap, the award-winning publication of the Institute of Scrap Recycling
Industries (ISRI). She will continue to produce Foresight Signals twice a month. Check out Scrap.
Send us your signals! News about your work and other tips are welcome. Contact Cynthia G. Wagner, consulting editor.
Want more signals from AAI Foresight? Check out the blog! Log in to add comments.
Feel free to share Foresight Signals with your networks and
to submit any stories, tips, or “signals” of trends emerging on the horizon
that we can share with other stakeholders and the foresight community. And if
you’re interested in becoming a blogger for FS, please contact Cindy Wagner,
our consulting editor, at CynthiaGWagner@gmail.com
Foresight Signals is a publication of AAI
1619 Main Street,
Freeland, WA 98249
Managing Principal:
Timothy C. Mack
tcmack333@gmail.com | 202-431-1652
Webmaster and IT
Consultant: Tom Warner
Consulting Editor:
Cynthia G. Wagner
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